NEFF Leadership

A Message From Bob Perschel and the NEFF Team

Mar. 30, 2020
New England Forestry Foundation

New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) has closed its offices in response to COVID-19, but staff members are hard at work from home, and all NEFF Community Forests remain open to visitors. We will continue to do all we can for New England’s forests while prioritizing the wellbeing of the general public and everyone at NEFF.

We will share regular updates via our email newsletter and on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. If you need to get in touch with NEFF directly, staff members can be reached through the contact information listed on our Team webpage or through our online contact form.

NEFF Community Forest Visitor Guidelines During COVID-19 Outbreak

When visiting NEFF forests, help us prioritize the health and safety of all visitors and the greater community. Beyond NEFF’s standard Recreation policies and Visitor Safety & Guidelines, please adhere to the following best practices during the COVID-19 outbreak. Note that all dogs must be on leashes to allow for better social distancing.

  • Comply with all local, state, and federal guidelines regarding public activities.
  • Stay local! Explore a NEFF forest close to home.
  • Practice physical distancing at trailheads and throughout the forest.
  • Park in designated areas. If the lot is full, come back another time or find a more quiet local area to enjoy.
  • Print or download a trail map in advance, if available, to avoid crowding or contact at map boxes/kiosks.
  • Please report any trail or property issues via our Contact Us form.
  • All dogs must be leashed.

A Recent Message From Executive Director Bob Perschel to the NEFF Community

We’ve never walked this trail before—let’s walk it together.

I’m reaching out to you because I, and the entire NEFF community, value you as a friend. You have demonstrated your care for us and we, in turn, want to show that we care about you.

You have supported NEFF in different ways and at various times, but now it’s most important to make health and safety for yourself and loved ones your top priority. We want to help you do just that. Perhaps the most tangible thing we offer is the opportunity to be outside on any of our 150 Community Forests. Nature remains open for business. In a time of social distancing, there is still much to enjoy in the natural world. Nature heals and replenishes us. Whatever else may happen in the world, the sun rises and sets. Leaves sprout in the spring and the forests come alive. We hope to see you on the trail. Every one of us will wave a friendly hello from the safety of six feet away.

We pledge to continue our work to protect New England’s forests and advocate for Exemplary Forestry in whatever form is possible in the coming weeks and months. Yes, our work will go on because our extended family is made up of people like you. I know you are committed to the vision and mission no matter what. In good times and bad, I know you are with us, and that bond will support our staff and the work they do in these most challenging times.

I will be in touch again to bring you up to date on what’s happening at NEFF soon. But for now, please take care of yourself and those you hold dear. My best wishes for safety, good health and greater ease in the coming weeks.

Bob Perschel