New England Forestry Foundation
Charlie Reinertsen


The Heart of New England

A hike through a New Hampshire forest in the fall, a Vermont barn made from locally milled trees, and the clear, clean waters of a Maine river—these are just a few of the many gifts New England’s forests offer. Across the region, forests provide timber for housing, carbon sequestration, clean air and water, local jobs, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.

These benefits support a vibrant and thriving region as well as a more climate-secure future, and New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) both protects forests for future generations and ensures they make the greatest possible impact in the fight against climate change.

New England Forestry Foundation


Our History

In the early 1900s, New England’s private woodlands were often overharvested without thought for their future. In response, a group of foresters and outdoor enthusiasts founded NEFF in 1944 to help private forests thrive, and committed the organization to the practice and teaching of sustainable forestry. Learn more and then follow a timeline of NEFF’s subsequent milestones.