New England Forestry Foundation
Charlie Reinertsen



Widen your circle of conservation-minded friends and colleagues, and to keep learning about conservation and sustainable forestry.


New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) events are a great way to have fun while learning about conservation, sustainable forestry, natural climate solutions and more. You’ll find a range of opportunities here, with different events and webinars for the general public, landowners, foresters and more.

Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge Kickoff Webinars

On April 20 and 27, New England Forestry Foundation invites you to the first virtual gathering of the Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge…

Sustainable Local Wood Webinar Series: Forest to Cities

Learn how engineered wood products allow us to build bigger with wood, and how this new technology is an effective alternative to…

New England Forestry Foundation
Sustainable Local Wood Webinar Series: Woods to Home

Learn about the process of building a home with locally harvested lumber and the benefits of using local wood products. Join us for a…

New England Forestry Foundation
Sustainable Local Wood Webinar Series: Tree to Table

Explore the connections between sustainable forestry and craft woodworking using NEFF’s new conference tables as an example. Webinar…

Saying Yes to Wildlands AND Woodlands Webinar

How can New England best protect its forests as the region sits at the precipice of climate change, biodiversity loss, development, and…

Paying for Your Woodland Plan: Managing for Birds and Forest Resilience

For Connecticut and Rhode Island Landowners Connecticut and Rhode Island woodland owners are invited to a free virtual workshop to learn…