New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) has contributed to an effort to understand the role of forest management in increasing carbon storage in New England’s working forests as part of the Forest Carbon for Commercial Landowners (FCCL) Initiative, a broad coalition of large forest landowners, conservationists, nonprofit organizations, scientists, and economists.
The FCCL initiative came together to determine whether northern Maine’s commercial forestlands could sequester more carbon through improved forest management, and, if so, how much it might cost to incentivize landowners to implement. The initiative commissioned a report from the University of Maine and other researchers and released it in March 2023.
High-Resolution Report | Low-Resolution Report | Appendices
The Forest Carbon for Commercial Landowners report and its four appendices are fascinating, but they’re also a pretty long and technical read. NEFF science and communication staff members have pulled together a blog post that summarizes the report’s methods, findings and recommended next steps to get you started.