New England Forestry Foundation
Tinsley Hunsdorfer




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Media Coverage and Press Releases

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Press Release

Leopold Conservation Award Comes to New England

May. 8, 2019

A prestigious award program that celebrates voluntary conservation by farmers and forestland owners is coming to New England. The Leopold Conservation Award® recognizes landowners who inspire…

The Norwich Bulletin

Exploring The Last Green Valley: Land trusts are crucial to conservation

Apr. 19, 2019

USA Today

Illegal tuna catch costs fisherman $16,000

Feb. 23, 2019

A fisherman who caught a 400-pound bluefin tuna out of season and dumped its headless carcass in the woods paid a steep price for his misdeeds. On the day his trial was about to begin, Harold…

Bangor Daily News

Conservation group acquires nearly 18,000 acres of forest in coastal Maine

May. 2, 2018

A Virginia-based group has acquired three forested properties totaling nearly 17,900 acres in Hancock and Washington counties. The Conservation Fund acquired the properties on Tuesday from H.C.…

Granite Geek

How trees can best cut carbon: Don’t just replace oil, replace steel & concrete

Apr. 18, 2018

Science Cafe NH in Concord last night had a great discussion about the environmental aspects of using wood to create heat and electricity (sometimes bad, sometimes good – like so much in life).…

Greenfield Recorder

A new program begins for forest property owners

Apr. 16, 2018

Land owners wondering how to protect their wooded property while continuing to benefit from sustainable timber harvests now have another option: the New England Forestry Foundation of Littleton,…

Environmentally Green Milestones in New England

Feb. 22, 2018

1836 Boston native Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes the essay “Nature,” which—in laying out the fundamentals of the philosophical movement he cofounded, Transcendentalism—describes the benefits…

Bangor Daily News

Latest bid to revive shuttered Katahdin mill promises 100 jobs

Feb. 13, 2018

A North Carolina manufacturer plans to create more than 100 jobs by becoming Maine’s first producer of a composite wood strong enough to replace concrete and steel in high-rise buildings.…

Concord Monitor

New ideas for wood: Replacing road salt, making a building (yes, that’s new)

Jan. 29, 2018

Considering that New Hampshire is smack dab in the middle of a region sometimes called the Saudi Arabia of biomass – i.e., we have lots of trees to sell – it’s a little weird that our logging…

The Architect’s Newspaper

Is mass timber really sustainable?

Nov. 22, 2017

We like to blame a lot of things for climate change—namely coal and cow farts—but if we were to search for a worthy scapegoat, architects might end up looking in the mirror. The building sector…

Inside the Forest Service

Grant uncovers potential for wood technology to create jobs

May. 15, 2017

A Forest Service-funded grant helped uncover a potential economic boon for the Northeast and elsewhere in the United States through a new wood technology. Northeastern Area State & Private…


Local wood products may cause economic boom in western Massachusetts

Apr. 6, 2017

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) – The state has identified forests in western Massachusetts where wood could be used to build buildings throughout Boston and even New York City. It’s called cross…