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The Harris Center for Conservation Education has raised the funds to purchase and conserve two parcels south of Willard Pond, resulting in a total of 74 acres of new conservation in Antrim and…
Forests cover more than 60 percent of land in Massachusetts. To avert the most dire consequences of climate change, those woodlands must be protected, a recent report from the United Nations’…
WHATELY — An Easthampton couple has donated more than 75 acres of Whately forest to be conserved by the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF). Robert and Susan Boone’s 78-acre property in West…
WHATELY — An Easthampton couple has donated more than 75 acres of Whately forest to be conserved by the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF). Robert and Susan Boone’s 78-acre property in West…
Can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New England by 30 percent? That’s a lot of carbon to suck out of the air. Here is what we do know: the Maine forest can vacuum up a lot of it. If summer…
The Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership is preparing to send to municipalities a final draft of the 2022 revision of its organizational plan that will help guide the partnership in its goals and…
Nominees are being sought for the 2022 New England Leopold Conservation Award, which recognizes landowners who inspire others with their dedication to soil health, water quality and wildlife…
For centuries, Mainers have relied on wood to heat their homes. And over the past few decades, many schools and universities have embraced wood heat, as well, in the form of biomass boilers, which…
Know a farmer or forestland owner who goes above and beyond in their care and management of natural resources? Nominate them for the 2022 New England Leopold Conservation Award. Sand County…
Partnership Awarded Competitive $300,000 Conservation Innovation Grant to Boost Improved Forest Management and Mitigate Climate Change in Maine Grant is one of 19 awarded nationally by the USDA…
WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding $15 million to conservation partners across the country for 19 new projects under the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)…
It was with great excitement that I was invited to speak to the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership Board a couple weeks ago. I hope the presentation sparks greater respectful debate around the…