NEFF’s communications team has for more than a year now been hard at work on…
A message from Executive Director Bob Perschel to the New England Forestry…
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, regional and national…
In the frigid months of January and February, when most people are huddled…
Every conservation project starts with stories. Conservation efforts are…
Help inspire forest conservation by sharing photographs of New England’s…
Trees are putting on a show across New England, and at NEFF, we can’t…
Summer is in full swing! At NEFF, we can’t wait to see all of the…
The whir of a table saw, the pounding of a hammer, and the roar of a…
At NEFF, we see our new logo as an opportunity for a meaningful conversation…
The New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) and the Boston Public Market today…
Located in Braintree, Vermont, 1,547 acres pristine hiking trails, backcountry…
Some 196 nations converged in Paris, unanimously agreeing on an approach to…